Christopher Windle, Artistic and music director

Christopher Windle is in demand nationally as a conductor, clinician, and educator based in Chicago, IL.

Windle is the Artistic & Music Director of the William Ferris Chorale – and is only the third person to hold this position in the ensemble’s 50 years. In addition, he is the Artistic Director of the Chicago Chamber Choir, the Associate Director of Music & Choirmaster at the Church of the Atonement, and on faculty at the DePaul University School of Music.

He previously served on the faculties of Northwestern University's Bienen School of Music and Benedictine University, and has conducted Constellation Men's Ensemble (CME), the Bridge Ensemble (Baltimore), the Chicago Bar Association Chorus, Singing City (Philadelphia), the Maryland State Boychoir, and the Pennsylvania Girlchoir.

Equally at home as a tenor, Windle has sung in professional choirs throughout the country, including the Crossing, Chicago’s Music of the Baroque, the Grant Park Chorus, the South Dakota Chorale, Bella Voce, and the Philadelphia Singers.

Windle continues to serve as the Editor of Constellation Men’s Ensemble NOVA Publishing Series, and on the leadership board of the Illinois Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) as the Music in Worship Chair.

He holds degrees from St. Olaf College and Temple University, and a DMA in Choral Conducting from Northwestern University.

Justin berkowitz, executive director

Tenor and Arts Administrator Justin Berkowitz is thrilled to serve the William Ferris Chorale as their Executive Director.

Passionate for building community and increasing opportunities for immersion and education into music, Justin joins the William Ferris Chorale following over three years with The Executives’ Club of Chicago where he oversaw content, strategic communications, partnership relations and event logistics.

Prior to joining The Executives’ Club of Chicago, Justin worked for several years at Lyric Opera of Chicago working with the Women’s Board office on their special events and galas, including their 2018 Wine Auction, which netted over 2.2 million dollars.


Kimberlee Guenther, President

Vincent Embser, Treasurer

Cate Mascari

Kraig Salveson

Lauren Welke

Megan Fletcher (Artist Representative)

As a performer, Justin has been seen onstage locally with Chicago Opera Theater, Haymarket Opera Theater, DuPage Opera Theater, and as a soloist with Chicago Philharmonic, The Apollo Chorus, Windy City Chorus, among others. Justin’s national performance schedule has included performances with Central City Opera, Opera on the James, St. Petersburg Opera, Ohio Light Opera, Mobile Symphony Orchestra, Brazos Valley Symphony, Detroit Medical Symphony Orchestra, Eau Claire Symphony, among others.